Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mmmm, SO many new Raw Dishes!

I'm closing in on the end of week 3 of being raw, I'm 8lbs down from when I started, and am feeling great! I'm getting even better at stepping outside of my recipe box and trying new things. I "blossomed" some wild rice by soaking it and rinsing twice a day for 5 days (it softens so you can eat it without cooking!), and made some fabulous "mashed potatoes" out of cauliflower! It was delicious and easy, you just process down a small head of cauliflower (about 2 1/2 cups) with about 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1/2 cup raw cashews or macadamia nuts, a teaspoon of salt, and a little garlic. I would go easy on the garlic because I did half of a large clove, and felt it was a bit much. If you food process it for a while, it gets to have that same consistency as mashed potatoes! I got this recipe courtesy of Matt Amsden, author of RawVolution (my new favorite raw cookbook!).

I also toyed around with a seaweed salad, because I've been addicted to it when going out to restaurants. A couple weeks back when I went to the Asian Supermarket, I found a bag of dried seaweed, which only has to be soaked for about 10 minutes to be ready to go. I put some sesame oil, salt (because I rinsed all the natural salt out), a bit of ginger, and some tahini in, along with some sesame seeds... YUM!

I just started soaking some quinoa, which like the wild rice, will sprout and be soft enough to eat in a couple of days. I feel like I have so many options for delicious food now, and am getting really excited about all of my raw dishes. I do think that because I see myself sticking to being at least 80% raw after my 30 days, I may need to invest in a dehydrator. There are so, SO many things I could make if I had one. I'm debating it heavily, do you guys have one and find it to be a useful tool in your kitchen?

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